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Volume 6, Chapter I

[start – pg70]

Anarchism in the North East and Beyond

(introducing the Beautiful Idea afresh)

23 Theses Concerning Revolt

(how can we stop defeating ourselves each time?)

‘Dispassion and Timelessness’

(identify the practices of dominator ecology)

The Fight in Catalunya

(what’s at stake in a messy and contradictory movement)

‘Wearing the Scars Inside’

(provocation from the margins)

‘It Depends on All of Us’

(rounding up the previous phase of struggle across the pond)

Rebellion Extinction

(don’t believe the hype…)

Green Capital and Environmental “Leaders” Won’t Save Us

(review: Jeff Gibbs’ Planet of the Humans)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Memory as a Weapon

(continuities from the meeting of worlds to this day)

Skills and Sabotage

(a return to the body through subverting public space)

Poems for Love, Loss and War

Ghosts of the Land

(a seasonal song for connection, mourning, and resolve)

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Volume 6, Chapter 2

[pg71 – pg150]

‘The Difference Between “Just Coping” & “Not Coping At All”’

(social reproduction, COVID-19, cybernetics)

An Update from the No TAV Campaign & Thoughts on its Relevance for Stop HS2

(a comparative study for total resistance)

‘Everything is Sanitised, But We are Constantly Wringing Our Tired Hands’

& demolition, not abolition

How the Left is Handing Over Protest to Fascism

& ‘We Haven’t Been Staying at Home These Days’

A New Luddite Rebellion

(mythic predecessors, the gig economy & goading reaction to the ‘interface revolution’)

The Siege of the Third Precinct in Minneapolis

(tactical analysis of the crowd in motion)

The 5G Net

(the lynchpin of the new (“eco-”)industrial expansion)

The Garden Path

(re-enchanted forest & the post-agricultural mind)

Notes on “The Criminal Child”

(review: various Jean Genet)

Poems for Love, Loss and War

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Memory as a Weapon

(where has the personal been in the program of the Left?)

‘All That Wildness Names’

(to ‘queer’ this most popular of anarchic notions)

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Volume 6, Chapter 3

[pg151 – pg234]

1 May 2021…

(renewing the appeal to insurrectional courage)

Why is Youth Liberation So Important in the Climate Movement?

& ‘They’ve Snatched Away Your Future’

How To: Fill Fire Extinguishers with Paint

Capitalism & Electrification

(technical reason, the ‘end of ideologies’ & the new authoritarian turn)

What is Insurgency?

(how it may seem we have surpassed activism but may in fact have not)


& ‘The In-Between Ones’

It Was Wartime”

(from comrades joining indigenous peoples in combat with the Mexican State, under the gun of police black ops)

Hong Kong: Its Relevance to the Rest of Us…

& Leaving the SPVM Behind to Attack a High-Tech Hub

When the Barbarians Invade the Periphery

& Several Nips Against the Domestication of Mountains

‘Project Cybersyn’

(review: Eden Medina’s ‘Cybernetic Revolutionaries’)

Poems for Love, Loss and War

Memory as a Weapon

(resurrecting struggles etched into the land)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

‘The Decoupling Thesis’

& The Society of Masterless Men

and more!

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Volume 6, Chapter 4

[pg235 – pg318]

‘Plenty to Do and Little to Prove’

& An Invitation to Deflate the System

But Why Are You Running?

(street-sense amidst the tear-gas)

‘A New Relation with Social Conflicts’

& ‘Let’s Destroy Everything That is Called Tesla!’

About the Reactionary Drift of Some “Comrades”…

(clearing out the trash accumulating in the corners of green anarchism)

‘We Laugh Harder Than Them’

(glimpses through the canopy of the Weelaunee Forest defence)

‘The Principle of Reciprocity’

& ‘The Audience Surrenders’

How Did Belarusians Come to Rebellion Against the Dictatorship?

(…and what were its horizons?)

R.I.P Taylor

& HMP Bristol Staff We Are Watching You…

On Sexual Murder and Police Sadism

& let the fear change sides

Comments on ‘Polyamory?’

(libidinal economies or an assault on the Family?)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Memory as a Weapon

(no, you can’t dismiss trans as post-modernism)

Poems for Love, Loss and War

Eric Laursen Owes Me a Lamp

(review: Eric Laursen’s ‘The Operating System’)

Never Turn Off the Phone

& ‘From a Different Angle’

In Praise of the Dancing Body

(jail-breaks for the captured terrain of the flesh)

…and more!

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Volume 6, Chapter 5

[pg319 – pg398]

Reclaim Your Queer Fucking Life!

(fighting talk about the pacification of Pride)

Iranian Anarchists on Protests in Response to Police Murder of Mahsa Amini

& Techno-Sharia, Morality Police and Psychopolice

On Staying Woke in Polycrisis Futurism

& The Red Flags of Just Stop Oil

Earthbound Farmers’ Almanac and Food Autonomy in Bulbancha

& ‘Each of Us Picks Our Own Mischief’

‘Our Anarchy Lives’

& ‘The Vital Space of a State’

‘Lest We Forget’

& ‘It Has Always Been the Time’

For the Love of God

(review: Victor Hugo’s ‘Les Miserables’ & its adaptations)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Poems for Love, Loss and War

‘Not Fighting the Same Fight’

(back to post-Left basics)

Memory as a Weapon

(grappling with ancestry, individualism, & entanglement)

Against the Struggle of the Coward

(everything we risk, the enemy does not)

…and more!

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Volume 6, Chapter 6

[pg399 – pg494]

Let’s Talk about Attack

(lighting the fuse in every restless heart)

Targets That Do Not Exist Anywhere Else

& ‘To Choose Wisely’

The ‘Green’ Farce Everywhere and Nowhere Else

(putting fire to the new face of ecocide)

‘Gállok is the Name of a Place’

& “Their Greed Never Stops”

‘The Scarcity Dynamo’

(patriarchy & the logic of the Machine)

Their Sustainability is a Disaster – Let’s Smash It

& ‘The Ecological Transition is a Hoax’

We Notice When Bigots Get a Win”

(connecting trans- & migrant-defence)

Poems for Love, Loss and War

What Happens After the Cancellation of the Project?”

(review: Isabelle Fremeaux & Jay Jordan’s ‘We Are ‘Nature’ Defending Itself’)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Memory as a Weapon

(troubling heritages of technological progressivism & leftist conceptions of growth in the struggle)

Riots and Eagles

& ‘With Whom One Relates’

…and more!

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Volume 6, Chapter 7

[pg495 – pg590]

A Philosophy for Anarchism

(considerations on this winding path)

‘The Utopia we Dream of Becomes Most Visible in the Dark’

& Hurricane Helene Disrupts Critical Chip Mining in North Carolina

‘Mobilising Disaster Relief’

(how can people save each other and not their rulers?)

Death is a Master from Germany

(on not letting our struggles be separated)

TEN-T, Military Logistics, and Availability

(infrastructure and the expanding logic of ‘preparedness’)

The Revolutionary Importance of Celebration and Cyclical Time

& ‘You Are the Good Cause’

The Cryptoliberal Creep

& The Far Right, the Far Left, and the Trap of Electoral Politics

Memory as a Weapon

(re-telling how we’ve played fiercely and bashed back)

Lies of the Land

(review: Paul Kingsnorth’s ‘The Lie of the Land’)

Poems for Love, Loss and War

Unruly Edges

(of mushrooms and empires)

Cybernetic Mommy Milkers

(the psychology of 21st Century subjugation)

Another Way Out

(an ode to one who returned fire)

…and more!

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Volume 6, Chapter 8

[pg591 – pg690]

Green Anarchy in the UK
(posing the old question anew)

L’Espoir C’est La Lutte
(strategy for subversive encounters)

‘The Position of the Excluded’
& ‘Thrown Out of the Troika of History to the Wolves of Memory’

The Kanak Insurrection and the Nickel Industry
(anti-colonial uprising in the age of “green” energy)

Calling It Terror
& ‘A Lose-Lose Situation’

Avoiding the ‘Peaceful Protest’ Trap
(getting street-wise for the coming round of confrontations)

Follow the Fires
& ‘Identity Precedes Ideology’

Beyond the Screen, the Stars
& We Close the Door

Poems for Love, Loss and War

Memory as a Weapon
(a window into mind-sets of revenge and pleasure in (pre-)revolutionary times)

Rebels Behind Bars
(text by prisoners & repression news)

Wounded Healers
(review: Derrick Jensen’s ‘Anarchism & the Politics of Violation’)

The Darkness Criticizes the Wolf for Howling at the Moon
(countering revisionism in anti-authoritarian spiritualities)

…and more!

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Green Desperation Fuels Red Fascism (Return Fire vol.6 chap.3 supplement)

[A5 pamphlet; get a separate imposed version for reprinting here]


Violence, Non-Violence, Diversity of Tactics (Return Fire vol.6 chap.4 supplement)

[A5 pamphlet; get a separate imposed version for reprinting here]


“A Web of Relations & Tensions” (Return Fire vol.6 chap.4 supplement)

[A5 pamphlet; get a separate imposed version for reprinting here]


A Poem by Kenneth Rexroth, Painted across the Rooftops of the World (Return Fire vol.6 chap.5 supplement)

[A5 pamphlet; get a separate imposed version for reprinting here]

…more supplements to be continued of volume 6


Volume 5, Chapter I

[start – pg15]

We Are Not Afraid of Their Ruins… We Carry a New Chaos in Our Hearts

(rage and bile from the gut)

Honor Amongst Thieves

(writing from the widening circles of the U.K. judicial estate)

New Technologies, Extraterrestrial Exploitation and the Future of Capitalism

& ‘Let’s Disconnect the Cables’

‘A Smart New World of Slaves’

(the opening phases of Industry 4.0)

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Volume 5, Chapter II

[pg16 – pg55]

The Exarcheia Commune Rises and Defends Itself

(tactics for maintaining a state-hostile zone)

Symbiogenetic Desire

(tracing an egoist ecology)

Clarification on the Attack on the CGT Headquarters and On the Topic of ‘Anonymous Disassociation’

(on the time and place for co-critique)

Nanotechnology and Transparency

& taking on imperial science

Market Pressurised to Temporarily Drop G.M. Product Lines After Contamination Campaign Claimed, Lombardy

(communiqué: stirring the pot in civil society over our daily consumer poisons)

‘The Matter of Knowing Who We Are’

(the enemy is a way of seeing the world)

What Could Compensate for the Loss of the Night Sky?

& the possibilities of electrical disruption

‘Rejoin the Circle’

(the gift as a new-old principle of existence)

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Volume 5, Chapter III

[pg56 – pg78]

We Can Be Worse Still

(for one who died in the battle for life)

Who Is It?

& democracy’s discontents

Veganism: Why Not

(an alienated solution to a problem of alienation?)

‘At the Root of My Survival’

(reflections on mutilation, facing terrorism charges, and not abandoning our own)

Wild Plants: Hawthorne (berries) & Sweet Chestnuts

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Volume 5, Chapter IV

[pg79 – pg106]

Poems For Love, Loss & War

Global Flash-Points

(direct action reports)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Memory as a Weapon

(bridging the breech in our line, uncovering some of our grounding)

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Volume 5, Chapter V

[pg107 – end]

Pirates vs. Corsairs!

(the seaborne phenomena off the Horn of Africa)

Fraud, Fantasy and Fiction in Environmental Writing / ‘The Invention of the Tribe’ / Q

(reviews: Ted Perry’s ‘Chief Seattle’s Speech’, various Grey Owl, James C. Scott’s ‘The Art of Not Being Governed’ & Luther Blisset’s ‘Q’)

The Dark Months Are Coming

(walking out into the witching hour)

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Volume 4, Chapter I

[start – pg23]

Nothing New Beneath the Sun [editorial]

‘Whether to Act or Merely Dream’

(refuse all representation and dialogue with powers-that-be)

Authorities Finally Confirm Stingray (IMSI) Use in Prison Island – in Scottish Prisons

(…but results so far are poor)

Panopticons Then and Now

(self-defeating paranoia held up to the reality of data overload)

‘Education Centres’ Plundered and Vandalised, Santiago

(communiqué: vandal delinquents rampage through the gated structures of academia to appropriate means for mutiny)

Special Hydraulic Fracture

& extraction in the sights

‘Antagonistic Margins’

(the queer relation of desire, terror and seduction)

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Volume 4, Chapter II

[pg24 -pg47]

On the Catastrophe of the Salmon Farms and Maritime Devastation

(disaster management and managing this disastrous existence, via the Patagonian ocean)

Taking Apart Authority

(an argument for diffuse and well-timed blockages)

Another Figure of the Migrant”

(having done with the usual victimistic homolies)


(following controversial discussions in the field of ‘non-native species’)

Smart Attack!

(‘intelligent’ meters, social engineering, ‘sustainable’ submission)

‘The Stories Which Civilisation Holds as Sacred’

(the continued legacy of monotheism in (sub)culture, and the problem of initiation)

Are There Similarities, Beyond the Obvious, Between Human and Non-Human Prisons?

(at the crossroads of incarceration methodologies)

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Volume 4, Chapter III

[pg48 – pg67]

‘A Profound Dis-ease’

(the Enlightenment and inherited mental distress)

Wild Plants:

Rose Hips & Dandelion Root

Poems For Love, Loss & War

Global Flash-Points

(direct action reports)

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Volume 4, Chapter IV

[pg68 – end]

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Memory as a Weapon

(revisiting near and far moments of enclosure, betrayal or confrontation)

Power Down

(agitation around the Hydro-Québec 735kV pylon project, Canada)

To Love the Inhuman

(review: John Zerzan’s ‘Animal Dreams’)

The Firestarting

(invocation for a cleansing blaze)

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Caught in the Net (Return Fire vol.4 companion piece)

Volume 3, Chapter I

[start – pg47]

Opening Salvo [editorial]

The Veil Drops

(the State (of Emergency) demystified)

Close Supervision Centres

(extermination units in the U.K. penal system)

Into Her Inner Chambers”

(technocratic rationalising of human reproduction)

Bristol, Britain’s Flagship ‘Smart City’

(the chilling rise of the cyber-physical environment)

Spoilt for Choice

& bringing the battlefield home to the military and their collaborators

‘Torn From Ourselves’

(understanding the ‘capture’ of unbridled sexuality as intrinsic to domestication and racialising)

A Flourishing Movement and a Laboratory of Repression

(a conversation about anarchic struggle in Mexico, and not only)

‘Towards the Unknown’

& Why Attack the Ministry for Communications and Transport?

Portrait of the Invisible Woman in Front of Her Mirror

(disowning the straitjackets thrust upon her)

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Volume 3, Chapter II

[pg48 – pg67]

The Burning of a Transmission Mast, Berlin, and Policing Vehicles Up in Flames, Keynsham

(communiqués: snaring the flows of the metropolis by disabling its digital highways and surveillance architecture)

The “Wild” as Will & Representation

(citizenist amnesia vs. regaining the Earth)

‘The Advance of Urbanisation’

& anti-development anger

Radical Scavengers Come Out of the Woodwork

(clashes on the streets, recuperative efforts of the latest opportunists)

The Intensification of Independence in Wallmapu

& fragments of a 500-year-old resistance to colonisation

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Volume 3, Chapter III

[pg68 – end]

Wild Plants:

Birch Polypore & Old Man’s Beard

Poems For Love, Loss & War

Global Flash-Points

(direct action reports)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Memory as a Weapon

(a European folktale for our times – down with the empire, up with the spring)

Text Concerning Hambach Forest

(invitation to destruction from the front-lines of an anti-coal occupation, Germany)

‘To Create and Maintain Their Wealth’ / ‘Sensuality, Magic & Anarchist Violence’

(reviews: various Jason Hribal, Silvia Federici’s ‘The Caliban and the Witch’ & Arthur Evan’s ‘Witchcraft and the Gay Counterculture’)

Why We Are With the Fighters

(what do we mean by solidarity?)

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Colonisation (Return Fire vol.3 glossary entry supplement)

‘Smarter Prison? – Call for War on the Technology Multinationals (companion piece, Return Fire vol.3)

[A5 pamphlet; get a separate imposed version for reprinting here]

Volume 2, Chapter I

[start – pg26]


Alienation, Division of Labour, Patriarchy, Speciesism

Scattering Seeds… [editorial]

…Under a Changing Sky

(facing ecological collapse without delusion or despair)

‘I Didn’t Want to be a Proud Worker’

& exploiters smashed or expropriated

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Volume 2, Chapter II

[pg27 – pg49]

‘The Essence of Modern Schooling’

& rage of the wild-child within

L’Amour Civilisé

(degradation of romance by the present-day treadmill culture)

Plan for Europe’s Biggest Children’s Prison

(welcome to the new borstal, the U.K. Pathfinder “secure college”)

A Much-Needed Invitation to Discuss the Offensive Against the State, Capital, & All Forms of Authority

(evaluating our creations in everyday conflict)

Animals Made to Order

& no compromise – total liberation

Protecting Land, Disrupting Extraction & Going Feral

(experiments in de-civilisation)

Explosion at the Justice Academy, Buenos Aires, & Industrial Logging Operation Arsoned, Bryansk

(communiqués: a conversation between Argentina & Russia concerning international co-ordination)

Excerpts in Unordered Time from a Healing Female Line

(patriarchal reproduction, generational trauma)

The Faultline of Istanbul

(dispatches from the summer Turkish uprising)

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Volume 2, Chapter III

[pg50 – end]

‘A Question of… Balance’

(meditations on identification, clandestinity & freedom)

Wild Plants:

Ramsons & Dandelion Leaf

Poems For Love, Loss & War

Global Flash-Points

(direct action reports)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

Some Notes on the TAP

(intermediate struggle as an active minority opposing the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline, Italy)

Memory as a Weapon

(a legacy of defiance, uprisings & trans-national banditry)

‘Gravediggers of Society’

(review: Lee Edelman’s ‘No Future’ & various Guy Hocquenghem)

‘Starting From Zero’

(declaration from the fires to come)

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Volume 1, Chapter I

[start – pg23]


Anarchy, Civilisation, Domestication, Industrialism, Insurrection, Prison-society, Revolution

Statement of Intent [editorial]

(human-supremacy, Progress, and other pathologies)

Fucked Off Not Fucked Up

(psychiatric subjugation, labelling of the unique individual)

‘Non-Violence is Impossible’

(let’s decolonise our minds – let’s arm for liberation)

‘Signals of Disorder & Their Importance in Spreading Rebellion’

(strategies towards decentralised attack)

New Technologies, New Control

& some practical refusal

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Volume 1, Chapter II

[pg24 – pg47]

Nature as Spectacle

(considering some illusions of civilisation)

The Bosses Grand Idea

& anti-2012 Olympic resistance

Sealife Deformities from the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

(industry means disaster)

Against the Logic of Submission:

‘Free Love’, ‘Passionate Friendship’, ‘Hatred’

Vehicle Bomb at the Headquarters of Microsoft, Athens

(communiqué: confronting the insidious silence of computerised society)

‘The Poverty of All Morality’

(ideology as self-mutilation)

Fukushima’s Fallout on My Soul

& revolt against nuclear power

‘Can’t Live Without You’

(intimate abuse through codependency addiction)

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Volume 1, Chapter III

[pg48 – pg63]

‘Good Times & Bad’

(“anti-cuts” & the misery of life

under contemporary capitalism)

‘The Organised Minority Structure’

(informal networks as an anarchist tool)


(thoughts on symbolic estrangement in modernity)

‘Gender, Sexuality, Patriarchy & Domination’

(identity is a root of oppression)

‘The Loss of Competence’

(is autonomy via automated labour possible?)

Wild Plants:

Nettles & Cleavers

Poems for Love, Loss & War

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Volume I, Chapter IV

[pg64 – end]

Global Flash-Points

(direct action reports)

Rebels Behind Bars

(text by prisoners & repression news)

‘A Wheel to Sabotage, Among Others’

(about Zone Autonome a Défendre, France)

Memory as a Weapon

(escapes, riots & subversion in the past)

We Want To Be Great Like Our Crime

(review: Isabelle Eberhardt’s ‘Criminal’ & Renzo Novatore’s ‘Toward the Creative Nothing’)

The State Always Has a Conspiracy… Have You?

(Final Message to Reader: an anonymous contribution)

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