A selection of texts that have appeared in Return Fire (some for the first time) have been uploaded to The Anarchist Library web-archive, and can be browsed under the tag https://theanarchistlibrary.org/category/topic/return-fire and easily printed for reading or distribution.
Recent Posts
- Return Fire vol.6 chap.8 – winter 2024-2025 releases, part ii
- Return Fire vol.6 chap.7 – winter 2024-2025 releases, part i
- Return Fire vol.6 chap.6 out, rest of double-issue forthcoming
- Open letter from Return Fire magazine to the 2024.03.29-31 International Anti-Prison / Anti-Repression Gathering
- Return Fire vol.6 chap.5 out (with supplement), chap.4 graphics fixed, new texts & posters & flyers in archive
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